Saturday 7 April 2012


You need not turn your page,
You have resolving insights inside,
You can rain the earth and bind minds,
You are one courage 
That rains on skin, soft and lustrous,
To absolve men of passion.

You need not turn your page,
You have charm on your shoulders
You have honey sweets on cues,
You are one of the wishes,
That turns on our life of love
And sometimes it is bliss to touch you.

You need not turn your page,
Men run like horses in the night,
You can booze out their souls,
You are the dearest fancy crown,
You can turn minds into your brown
Flame that turns for mingling in you.

You need not turn your page,
You can go across joints of all bones,
That fills the life with your pretiness,
Life is sometimes full with confession,
You can sit in cross legged on board
That is tossed in your comfort of gains.

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