In love pertaining in heaven
Sharing on the earth.
Eyes staring
Love makes sequences inside
The heart on screen beginning.
One dark night
Eyes make family life,
On familiar pain.
Morning follows morning,
Birds silent, river flows,
Eyes filled with tears.
Promising eyes,
Tears fill the heart with
Source being sinking.
Eyes are visions,
Mirrors are opponents,
Middle age darkening.
Eyes want to go out,
Decisive moments flow chart,
On the love’s threshold.
Eyes are painting,
Perception argues with reality,
We are bound in limitations.
Eyes are ignored
Accurate colorful melting turns greens
Porous is cloud.
Eyes see family life,
Eyelashes brim over spilt objects,
Normal population emboweled.
Eyes are donated
Money becomes source getting it,
Golden leaves flicker.
Soaked eyes,
Want to see forward,
Life line is split appearance.
Eyes of one person
Cannot be of another person,
Body and mind moving automatic,
Life is solid burnt sienna,
Eyes coordinate with life,
Looking alone is nature’s bind.