Sunday, 20 November 2016

Short story slam week 57: MARKETING PLAZA

          Image Credit: Megan Sherwood

City Park, Hyland Park, South City Mall, Big Bazar,
Debit card, Credit card, scratch, payment cleared,

Even we can buy sand, bricks, in packet form,
Injection, pregnancy shot, cold storage, cold customers,

In the middle of hall elevator escalator lift, glass show cases,
Children are playing, mystery white packs, everyone buzzed,

Security no needs to think about, all provisions are secured,
Security officer fired, he proposes allotment of funds, rejected.

Black throat becomes red, viruses hitting internet,
Account quashed, no second choice, empty, top echelons

Sprint over stored provisions, easy to accumulate, walk on
Shoulders of own extra index, commons cannot think about,

Commons hold hands of children, press the button, in fear,
If mosquito bites little ones and they fall sick, treatment a far cry. 

Living is free, in fundamental and common feeling,
Happiness or sorrow does not know pretension,
Beloved ones or proclaimed leaders do not create
The sun-rise and the sun-set, ripple on water,
Flowing of wind, and we only watch and read
After effect of an event, surface and bottom distinct.
Sometimes we drop our will, and mingle into instinct,
And try to leave jungle of computer reading,
To form an era of comfortable and funny bending
With those which are lots of good policies and plight,
In the nature and thereby discover inner delight,
Within periphery of bound and unbound,
Inside and outside of all happenings, by removing
Splinters and secrets of war-habits, over shadow
Of formal trajectory of fighting feathers in the realm,  
And we try to think society is not mad man’s dream.

Wild joy within bricks, computers, malls, media,
And marketing is not tomorrow’s refreshment,
We grew in the wind that can bear us like almighty.
Yielding image is speech of life, sharing honor of living.

Monday, 7 November 2016


Home, yard, street, shadow,
Illusion, silent words of the earth
Glimmering soul.  

Roots, tree, fencing,
Corridor of love and hope,  
Reflections of life. 


The moment I sit there -
Light, night, nature do all things
Thematic shower,
Lines of light stimulates
Reflation, images, solidarity
With creation of dancing reality,
Celestial creativity,
Divine functionality,
Illuminating propriety,
Prevailing sanctity,
No passport to travel
In its natural blogging,
But tangential touch
Elegant boundary,
Submissive landing,
- All take me to a key land
Where money, honey, crony tide
Do not occur, and image of imagination
Has created a paramount standing
Of sovereignty, beauty, soothing
Merriment, we ignore it so long.

If we slow down light’s moving feathers,
If we cease to work and swallow jewels of colors,
We will lose trust of feather’s gleam and hope.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Short story slam week 56: PASSPORT

Image Credit: Feng Zhao
Ajodhya Hills, Purulia and Gate of India, Mumbai I travelled by bus and train, two interesting places of the land that needs no passport. Unless an incident does occur in my computer, unless imagination can figure out a password for an entry, I cannot find out Silicon Valley, I cannot see debate on electoral campaign between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Dust from battle ground does not stuck on my face, to look nicer; because I go to Egypt for learning how to bash my face, either in summer or to be wrinkle free in winter glaciers. With this password, I go to the places where none plucks bones for human usage, and I find a composer of music and patience.

Not more to acquire,
Not less to create,
Not spreadsheet to calculate, 
Present moves to infinity,
Everything on time.  


Days before, these flowers were vivid in lens.
They were bright and enjoyable, mind were
Delighted with the gift of nature, and then
I can resolve a handful of asymmetric burdens.

And see they are now hesitant to give pictures,
As I cannot give any assurance for their demands,
And they are prominent for someone with lens,
That turns to be faithful pushing buttons for gains.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016


AbovepPhoto from

Children, Halloween, pumpkins decorated as if having teeth,
With candy and candles, happiness after giving treats, trick-o-treat,

14 clay oil lamps, Bhut Chaturdasi, Haunted house cleaned,
14 leafy green vegetables, complete neatness, great feast,

Clay lamps, candles, Diwali, a cleaned house in realm of lights
To make sure path for dispelling of darkness and ignorance,

New moon night, Kalipujo, worshiping of angry Goddess Kali,
She killed dacoits, demon Raktabeej, whose blood gives birth
To another demon when touched with ground, and he conquered
Three universes - the heaven, the world and the hell – and
She saves all the universes with her motherly loving secrets.

Kids’ celebration is kids’ world of refreshment. Adults’ celebrating world fumes in boredom in a house that is left alone with drops of blood.   

We do not need plastic body. Real grapes are not sour. I am lovely as you are lovely to me. Fake vignette cannot be picture of disarming someone. Grass level and atmosphere have many spectrum of heat waves intertwined, and common is water vapor that needs coolness for birth and rebirth of showering of well-being stratum.