Wednesday, 4 March 2015


With the day break, clouds cover the sky,
Where no sunlight comes, and heart of water
Does hover over my head when I am walking
On the roof-top of my house, and drizzles
Are pouring in all-around, it is beginning of March,
Mango flowers just begin to bloom, and
Festival of colors (Happy Holi) begins countdown to come,
Things of beauty of spring begin with Palash flower.

I raise my mind to enjoy that beauty
In cloudy sky that starts to show the earth
That has seasons with vibrant show amid pleasing
Mind’s approach, as long as
Smoothing illusion grows around mind’s journey,                                                                          
Over hard situations and we try to induct us
Into good weather, and raindrops begin falling
With speed of stormy gush, not fenced with narrowness.          

I am on the roof-top and get wet in rain
Raindrops get trapped within cornice walls
And concrete surface fails to soak water
That gets no speedy passage to go down drain,
Waters on the surface turn into a pool or sea
Where raindrops make stir to carry wave of life,
That caries running with bounces, re-bounces,
All are secrets of own songs of nature, delight.  

Tuesday, 3 March 2015


Sitting near bamboo fencing of a village house
I am looking where bees are moving around.

The fencing is covered with small creeper plants,  
With flowers blooming in this spring season.

From where do these bees come? I think,
I do not find bee hive nearby or in vicinity.

How long do these bees collect honey? I think,
All the time I see bees are hovering near flowers

And collect honey for a few moments, and fly away,                                                                            
Sometimes, they sit on flowers and immediately

They fly away and this tells that honey from
Those flowers, has already been collected, I think.

Are these bees are like those are living within us?
Are these bees symmetry of our thinking? And

Are these bees composing hives of collective dream?
We are on the forefront of our living panorama here.