Simpy is a young lady
Awarded Honors degree
in English Literature,
She is wise and beautiful
She is preparing for building her career
Esteemed all over within her heart,
How she will see her future,
To get a Masters Degree,
And she has a good affinity in cooking food,
For making palatable Bengali Dishes,
It is her past time.
One rainy day, I was with her family,
As if I was in a tin shed home in a rainy season
Forty years back, standing alone on the corridor,
One young girl that time suddenly arrived and
Took me inside her home and give temporary shelter
To protect me not being wet in rain, and when rain
I returned home
with a great memory on young age romance.
This day Simpy, a daughter of my friend, makes
Dishes of Hilsha fish curry with her cooking experience,
She blushed red when I praise her for taking cooking
She is curious to make everything right in order,
She is always in curiosity to know the unknown,
From the great world, it is still full of new things,
And her mother is feeling proud to hear praise of her
She feels mirror image of her younger age of time
When she was like her daughter thirty five years back.
The world is retrieval of fanciful happening repeating
every time.