Monday, 15 May 2017


I have last met with
Painter and artist Dwijen Gupta, when
He was suffering from Parkinson’s disease, and
Was honored and felicitated on 11.04.2017 by
Parkinson’s disease Patient’s Welfare Society, Kolkata.

Because art and poetry for aesthetic purpose
Are beauty in creative world, and
I was acquainted with him since 2005,
Because all my first three poetry books
Have cover layouts with art works of two
Renowned artists, Rabin Mondal and
Bijan Chowdhuri, and by the time I learnt
Designing from his methods of layout.   

Mr. Gupta passed away on 15.05.2017.
I first came to know it from artist 
Karunamoy Sur's post in Facebook.

My poetry brochure THE SIEGE (April, 2017)
Wherein three photos of his paintings was printed
Along with my poems, was virtually released
To honor the contemporary painter Dwijen Gupta
Who will remain as a smart creator and concentric to
Indian art work of his time and this era.

My humble honor to this legendary painter,

Dwijen  Gupta.

Amidst his own creations, he is still alive with an identity.
All eyes will be delighted first on his creations and paintings,
Marvel at tones of colors and imagination from heart of feelings. 
His works have foresight, sequences, thinking beyond at sight,
By bright rhetoric, leaving viewers fastened with everything
In the knowing world, within fair and silent story he told.
As if they listen to him, try to know his dream and aspiration,
The whole of flight he created, by hand with brush and colors.