My love poem, HOPE AND LOVE. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
And her love-choice can live in her dreams, She loves to choose her partner. She has charms to share with him, She is not jealous, if someone steals her choice, She thinks her love cannot be parted away, She likes to swim into...
Mahnaz Mohafez likes this
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Tetiana Melnyk • I think it's nicely simple, like it.
20 days ago• Unlike
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Amal Al Matrafi • The title of the poem points out that It is a very nice poem.
5 hours ago• Unlike
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The Poet's Haven in Linkedin.com
My love poem, HER WORDS ARE IN LOVE. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
Sometimes she appears in web page, And puts messages those are full of loneliness, Words spark as pearls, reflecting them as sentiments, Those are natural for one who lives in solitude. She says she feels, none to take her for...
Frederick Smith • An interesting poem, and a wonderful discussion of the way the electronic world has changed our perceptions. Thank you, Asim, for sharing this.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, Frederick Smith, for the beautiful comments.
Brian Walker • Asim...HER WORDS OF LOVE...As Frederick as said this is a most interesting piece, which takes the reader on a journey through the poem. A concise and well thought out and written poem that has all the qualities needed to make it a most creative piece of writing. Let us have more from you please.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, Brian Walker, for your valuable comments on my poem.
My love poem, HOPE AND LOVE. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
And her love-choice can live in her dreams, She loves to choose her partner. She has charms to share with him, She is not jealous, if someone steals her choice, She thinks her love cannot be parted away, She likes to swim into...
1 comment
Tetiana Melnyk • I think it's nicely simple, like it.
Writer's Cafe'
My love poem, SILENCE. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
Unhappy memories of my late brother touch me all time, Not to think anything of the world in light of fame. I do not feel any urge to type any word so long, Yellow feeling and black sentencing touch my mind in the dark sun, I...
Kenneth Weene • I was a bit confused by your self-contradictions. You feel no urge to write or speak, but you do in fact write. You have unhappy memories of your brother, but you feel deprived by his death? You feel scorched and deprived and out of touch with the normal flow of life, but that is at the hands of what -- death, which is actually part of the normal flow of life. Perhaps if you were instead to write of your relationship with your brother and why it is such a devastating loss.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Yes, Kenneth Weene, it is right while using words 'unhappy memories' that contradicts me. Thanks for the mentioning. I make a review of the poem.
The Poet's Haven
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
Unhappy memories of my late brother touch me all time, Not to think anything of the world in light of fame. I do not feel any urge to type any word so long, Yellow feeling and black sentencing touch my mind in the dark sun, I...
Leela Alvarez likes this
Leela Alvarez • Welcome My Dear Friend! Thank you so much for sharing with us! I look forward to hearing your heart sing amid days of unfolding love; reborn upon tides of rising splendor...
As you my friend embrace a heartfelt surrender!
My love always, Leela
Permanence of Pleasure
In times feeling bitterly hollow
Distance between stillness and endless follow
Awakening in depths that bridge self pity's wallow
Flashes in time...
Parting with ways no longer prime
Dancing in shadows, glimpsing the sublime
Building capacity for pleasure
Listening within to unveil One's buried treasure
Tears of joy welling within One's heart's true measure
Softness soothing times unfolding grace
Delight beyond compare raining down upon this place
Permanence of pleasure settling upon One's face
“In all that has been witnessed at times One must take the time to redevelop One's capacity for pleasure. Enjoy the bounty that awaits your presence of mind.”
My love always, Leela
As you my friend embrace a heartfelt surrender!
My love always, Leela
Permanence of Pleasure
In times feeling bitterly hollow
Distance between stillness and endless follow
Awakening in depths that bridge self pity's wallow
Flashes in time...
Parting with ways no longer prime
Dancing in shadows, glimpsing the sublime
Building capacity for pleasure
Listening within to unveil One's buried treasure
Tears of joy welling within One's heart's true measure
Softness soothing times unfolding grace
Delight beyond compare raining down upon this place
Permanence of pleasure settling upon One's face
“In all that has been witnessed at times One must take the time to redevelop One's capacity for pleasure. Enjoy the bounty that awaits your presence of mind.”
My love always, Leela
Jeremy Taylor • Life’s Healing Pride
A red leaf begins to fall,
From off an old oak tree
Autumn has begun;
Life has to die in order to be reborn,
Birth of love; birth of sorrow
While snowflakes begin to fall;
Temperature drops, cold winds begin to blow
A heart dies because there is a loss;
A loss of love and consideration
Love for another wakens the spirit!
A red leaf begins to fall,
From off an old oak tree
Autumn has begun;
Life has to die in order to be reborn,
Birth of love; birth of sorrow
While snowflakes begin to fall;
Temperature drops, cold winds begin to blow
A heart dies because there is a loss;
A loss of love and consideration
Love for another wakens the spirit!
LinkedIn Groups |
Courtney Hosny
Writer, Receptionist at DePaul University
LinkedIn Groups |
Love is a Thought. An individual thought An indipendent Thought. You can create love for anything, anywere, and at anytime. Love is. Bless you.
Gladstone Posted by Gladstone D Meyler Gladstone D Meyler
President at Meyler's inc
LinkedIn Groups |
you are always a pleasure to the heart
Posted by nitin sarma nitin sarma
Student at ICAI
LinkedIn Groups |
I put yellow, green, crimson colors
As the sun is deeper in transition.............Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my lovely friend Asim Posted by eftichia kapardeli eftichia kapardeli
writer and poet at world poets society
LinkedIn Groups |
As with Life itself, Feelings/Emotions are the guide to Truth and Meaning: While not a style I'd be comfortable with, that's immaterial, given my perception that you express your feelings with clarity and a quiet, subtle passion. Keep up the great work, Bro. and ... Namaste.
Blessings always, all ways, Austin Posted by Austin Maxwell Austin Maxwell
F/lance writer/copy-editor. Write personality profiles for Cdn. Immigrant and SWAY Mags. New projects welcome!
LinkedIn Groups |
My love poem, HER LOVING FACE. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
She shows her face painted in soft moon light, She is full with love that her soul can reflect, A significant wave that she likes to adore her heart, This life is faithful she thinks if love comes to her. The beauty of her...
Brian Walker • Your poem draws the reader into the piece and one is there with the lady in question. we can see beauty of this creature you describe with such insight and reflection which is all true. This is your goddess waiting for love yet to take hold of her and drag her in to that halo of lovers culture...
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, Brian Walker for reading my poem and beautiful comments. Life is a reward, dream is a reward, and we are living with these. Sometimes we may have a desire to think or dream about a creature in the moment’s nicety of thinking of being for love.
Bonnie Jean Flach • lovely poem Asim, very touching ~Bonnie~
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, Bonnie Jean Flach for reading my poem and sweet comments.
Lehigh Valley International Writer's Symposium
My love poem, LOVE PLUS COLOR MUTATION. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
I take the brush this morning to paint my love drawing, I put red color for independent existence, Life is full of pain and persistence. I put yellow, green, crimson colors As the sun is deeper in transition That plays for...
Debra Daumier likes this
Debra Daumier • Like the poem!
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear Debra Daumier for liking my poem. I love it.
Fiction Writers Guild AT LINKEDIN.COM
My love poem, EVENING SHADOW OF HER SKY. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
She is the lover as lover’s design, She lives with husband, neither lover nor a loved one, She lives in great surprise of tracing life, She is one of vibrant waves, quality of love heart. She wants to see the earth at lava...
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Dear Lez Lewis, please give me an idea of "formatted as a discussion" that you want.
Lez Lewis • When you try to introduce a work of your own to a discussion it takes on the air of being a promotion. However, if you phrase your posting in such away to actually evoke a discussion that becomes more to the point. I am not the, or even a moderator, I really don't want that as well. However, I'm not going to bother even looking at a promotion simply because someone suggests it, and I doubt many others would as well. But asking for input can occasionally evoke a response. So address yourself to the art of debate and discussion rather than promotion.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear Lez Lewis for your kind reply. I have no intention to promote my own work through a discussion forum, rather I want to open a discussion on general topic like poetry in day to day life or influence of poetry on famous persons, so on, so forth. Can you help me in this regard if any such formatting of this kind of discussion is available?
Lez Lewis • Part of writing and poetry is cadence. What ever you write, whether it is poetry, prose or pugnacious incentive to debate words need to carry a rhythm. That is where I believe you should direct your efforts, if in fact you wish a literary discussion on poetry. Of course if you were to suggest that there was a morally appropriate way to commit words to poetry you would probably find your thread turned into a free for all.
There are any number of bumbling bumpkins who have only engaged in moralistic debates to limit control and constrain others. So don't worry over much they will be along shortly, as they are forever in love (or perhaps lust) with their own verbal vomit.
There are any number of bumbling bumpkins who have only engaged in moralistic debates to limit control and constrain others. So don't worry over much they will be along shortly, as they are forever in love (or perhaps lust) with their own verbal vomit.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Dear Lez Lewis, I am thankful to you. Beautiful is your views on poetry and on life, too. I am happy with your insights.
I have got ideas on my life’s journey, sometimes in imagination or fantasy, and I try to adore it in my expressions of words. My writing goes with heart in the field of love, gift of life, and mind is the source of thinking on love in my poem, or prose or an expression, with the truth inside, with rhythm being a part of attainment for communication. My effort on words thus comes out in me.
While thinking on the subject, I look outside window; I see one scene in the nature, and I capture it in my camera frame that gives me a poem, A CABLE CORD IN THE NATURE’S LOVE. I post it in my blog with the picture. Here is the text of poem only. Perhaps you will enjoy the poem or the prose or the meaningful expression in words.
I am travelling in the beauty of the nature,
It is summer season, time of blooming of red Krishnachura,
Above inside branches and green leaves, a cool heaven caressed,
With precious reign of love, we get fine tune of singing beauty afresh,
The greens, investor for shelter for our rest,
The scene holds inaudible sound of music of love.
Above my head runs one cable TV cord through heart of tree branches.
Through this line cord, runs sponsored program on glass screens,
With pictures in web to reach worldwide audience,
This gives me pain,
It penetrates my sense to feel the generous gift of nature’s love,
Sunrays playing with the red inside beauty of greens,
That is generous gift in solemn patience,
This intruding TV cable cord seems to be iconic to demise of our existence.
I have got ideas on my life’s journey, sometimes in imagination or fantasy, and I try to adore it in my expressions of words. My writing goes with heart in the field of love, gift of life, and mind is the source of thinking on love in my poem, or prose or an expression, with the truth inside, with rhythm being a part of attainment for communication. My effort on words thus comes out in me.
While thinking on the subject, I look outside window; I see one scene in the nature, and I capture it in my camera frame that gives me a poem, A CABLE CORD IN THE NATURE’S LOVE. I post it in my blog with the picture. Here is the text of poem only. Perhaps you will enjoy the poem or the prose or the meaningful expression in words.
I am travelling in the beauty of the nature,
It is summer season, time of blooming of red Krishnachura,
Above inside branches and green leaves, a cool heaven caressed,
With precious reign of love, we get fine tune of singing beauty afresh,
The greens, investor for shelter for our rest,
The scene holds inaudible sound of music of love.
Above my head runs one cable TV cord through heart of tree branches.
Through this line cord, runs sponsored program on glass screens,
With pictures in web to reach worldwide audience,
This gives me pain,
It penetrates my sense to feel the generous gift of nature’s love,
Sunrays playing with the red inside beauty of greens,
That is generous gift in solemn patience,
This intruding TV cable cord seems to be iconic to demise of our existence.
Lez Lewis • speak to me of the echo of your soul
then in turn draw from your bowl
the literary devices that celebrate and expose our vices
then in turn draw from your bowl
the literary devices that celebrate and expose our vices
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Short poem is like seeds in the nature,
It speaks of essence of love,
It is literary freedom to know world’s sensation.
It speaks of essence of love,
It is literary freedom to know world’s sensation.
Poetry is my wife. Living with her is difficult, Loving her is life, so kind. Can’t get her out of my mind.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Dear Auteur. I love poetry. In this respect I have had written in my Poetry Blog, Living with Poetry. And the poem is LIVING WITH POETRY. Here is the link of my blog:
Auteur op Bestelling • Dear Asim Kumar Paul. I've read your blog. It was great, as a matter of fact, I loved it. You did a good job. Keep on!!
To everybody; I've posted a new blog in this group called "The spare part"....
To everybody; I've posted a new blog in this group called "The spare part"....
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear Auteur op Bestelling, for your valuable remarks on my poetry blog. I love it.
Discussion of my poem at LinkedIn.com
Published Authors Network
My love poem, IMAGINATION. Please read and comment:http://asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in/2012/04/imagination.html
Betty Mermelstein • Wonderful concept of imagination being a great force in our lives. So simple and yet so true. I have also posted on Promotions a little farther down the list, if you are interested.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, Betty Mermelstein, for your valuable comments. Yes, imagination is a great power in our life.
Discussion of my poem, INHERITANCE, in Linkedin.com on 15.04.2012
Lehigh Valley International Writer's Symposium
My love poem, INHERITANCE. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
I dream of a life that has only love, I dream of a life that will make me glad, But the goal of my dream is blocked By the cycle of walks of life on real blooms, As life is not full of fantasy and dream, I meet real passage on...
黎. 星晴 • But we must have dream
ASIM KUMAR P. • Dear 黎 星晴, Yes, I agree with you. We must have dream, and in the realm of dream we are living in this world.
Rosine Mailloux • Dear Asim , I like the spirit of your poem and the ideas. I agee with you re dreams. Dreams precede action. My only suggestion here is that the poem needs to be more concise--fewer words that embody the thought and feeling. Less is better than more. Focus on the language of imagery. You definitely have the dream alive in you.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Dear friend, Rosine Mailloux, I do agree with you, and also admire you. I move with my feelings and emotions on my poetry. I take note of your kind words on language matters in my writing.
I am really happy to know of your poems having published in a foreign journal. Thank you verry much."
- commented via e-mail on 18.03.2012 by Poet and
Professor Biplab Chakraborty
Department of Bengali
Center for Advanced Studies
University of Burdwan, INDIA
Professor Biplab Chakraborty
Department of Bengali
Center for Advanced Studies
University of Burdwan, INDIA
"ur luv poems were lovely n they reveal ur lovely heart n soul.They are universal because luv is universal
DALIP" - commented by poet Dr. Dalip Khetarpal, via e-mail on 18.03.2012
New comment on asim_kr's space |
- Group: Poetry Review and Discuss
- Discussion: If we look for life with familiarity and newness, it is Holi Celebration in India, Festival of Colors. In this respect my poem: HOLI: LOVE WITH COLORS
Such beauty flowing mastery of glorious unity you share here my dear. Supreme living dream cast amid hearts and minds enchanted divine. Delightful and wonderfully adorned with sweetness true Thank you Asim Kumar, Peace & Plenty, Leela
Posted by Leela Alvarez
Posted by Leela Alvarez
Leela Alvarez, at linkedin.com
Creator, Author and Redevelpoment Specialist
If we look for life with familiarity and newness, it is Holi Celebration in India, Festival of Colors. In this respect my poem: HOLI: LOVE WITH COLORS
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
Trees are in their flower-blooms and yields, With tender love and green foliage, and "Ore Bhai Phagun Legechhe Bone Bone..." ( O dear brother, graceful colors touch all the woods...) And we all dance with gesture of love With...
Leela Alvarez • Such beauty flowing mastery of glorious unity you share here my dear. Supreme living dream cast amid hearts and minds enchanted divine. Delightful and wonderfully adorned with sweetness true Thank you Asim Kumar, Peace & Plenty, Leela
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, Leela Alvarez, for your lovely comments, I like it.
- Group: Aspiring Writers
- Discussion: Good day to Aspiring Writers Members! I look forward to reading your blogs.
Asim, very nice. Your site is soothing.
Posted by Liz Blackmore commented on 11.03.2012 at literary group Aspiring Writers in Linkedin.com by Liz Blackmore, Consultant and Trainer at e'kosi safety Consulting and Training Services
Good day to Aspiring Writers Members! I look forward to reading your blogs.
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ASIM KUMAR PAUL • I hope you will enjoy my love poems at
Follow Tami
3 hours ago
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Liz Blackmore • Asim, very nice. Your site is soothing.
18 minutes ago• Unlike
14. izabel Molina • Very interessant ! Is your mind your inspirational muse . I like short poems, you are the best when at few words say averything . Commented by Izabel Molina in literary group at Verses in Motion, in Linkedin.com
My love poem, DEAR MIND, YOU ARE MY UNKNOWN POWER TO LIVE IN. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in
Dear mind, how you can think of life, its types and proportions of thinking, with so many pretty presences over my life, that is so many times gets robbed, ebbed, having solitudes, grief, small happiness, fire, burns,...
1 comment
izabel Molina • Very interessant ! Is your mind your inspirational muse . I like short poems, you are the best when at few words say averything .
"Good portrayal of women of different class and different thoughts." commented by Dr. Shardanand Tiwary on 04.03.2012 on my poem,
in literary group POETS in LinkedIn.com
My poem on Women's Day: http://asimkumarpaul.blogspot.in/2012/03/essence-of-woman-four-poems-on-womens.html
DR. SHARDANAND TIWARY • Good portrayal of women of different class and different thoughts.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, DR. SHARDANAND TIWARY for your valuable comments.
I have seen you have reached an exceedingly high level writing free verses
freely....." commented by Mr.Saripalli Rama Rao on Sat,
25 Feb 2012 via e-mail.
Poetry Editor

When you conceive an idea in your
mind, do you feel any type of pain or
restlessness till the delivery of the
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Here is how I write my poems,
HOW I WRITE MY PROSE POEMS. Writers or Poets may differ:
1 day ago
DR. SHARDANAND TIWARY • Asim, I visited your site and read how you write; well described,
but question is that what stimulates you to be creative?
How I can describe it to be creative?
From my school days, I feel something to write down when I feel or see something, thus I wrote poems in school days, in college days, but numbers are a few, and later on in service life, being lastly an Accountant, I publish a literary journal from Kharagpore, (adjacent of IIT Khargpur) with the help of my wife. And the issues are not much in numbers (stopped publication after a few issues), and afterwards I first get self published three poetry books in 2005, 2007, 2010 ( All three books are praised by Dr. Benjamin Zephaniah, and no book is sold) . And after retirement from service, I feel inwardly to write poems, and I am writing them till now. And feeling comes every time whatever I see or feel in my way of walking, and put them in my blog. And after retirement I feel incessantly to go on writing, that I have to control so long due to my professional and familial heavy engagements in my service period.
Perhaps, I cannot describe it properly. I only say some feeling comes in me instinctively when I am moved into seeing or feeling something on my way of life’s walking, and I write down them right away.
13 hours ago
DR. SHARDANAND TIWARY • Asim Kumar-jee, Namaste! I can understand your feelings. I,
myself, came to my hometown, Patna from Mumbai after resigning from the post of
Chief Editor in 2003. The reason to come back was to care my old parents.
Though after coming here, I was nominated as an Adviser by the state goverment
in the Media Cell of Department of Tourism. After completing my two terms in
2009, I confined myself within the home to give complete time to my parents. My
father (97) left this material world in June 2011 and mother (91) in this
January of 2012. So, my web contact is not so old, but now this is the only
engagement for me... and my previous experiences and contacts are helpful in
this new mission. So, the problems, hurdles and disappointments which you faced
are also the stimulating factors of yours. Keep continue... Best wishes!
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • I feel you dear friend, DR. SHARDANAND TIWARY. I have passed all
those days in great hardship. I admire you. Thank you for giving me
10. Ketaki
Dutta.Your lines are fantastic. They touch the inmost chord of my heart. Keep
writing, Asimda. Love,Ketaki- Commented on "QUOTES OF LOVE" on
5.02.2012 via e-amil by Dr. Ketaki Dutta, Professor of Bidhannagar
Colleg[Govt] Kolkata, INDIA
Trevor Maynard • Some beautiful phrases "feeble
gain" "breathing twist" "careless choice" really
enhance the ethereal feel of the poem SHARING OF LOVE capturing the sense of
love at a distance, nice work. Commentedon 23.12.2011 by Trevor
Maynard,Poet, Writer, Director, Reiki Master
Kingston upon Thames, UNITED KINGDOM, in literary group,
is my second blog of my love poems. Please read and comment on the blog poems.
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.com
He cannot
meet her, but he can see her on photos, And send messages and chat by diamond
hands, Keyboard and webcam are two origins of contact. Each time she comes on
telephone call And just chats and leaves the site with...
26 days ago
Trevor Maynard • Some beautiful phrases "feeble gain" "breathing
twist" "careless choice" really enhance the ethereal feel of the
poem SHARING OF LOVE capturing the sense of love at a distance, nice work.
Sharan • Very contemporary-Commented on 30.01.2012 by Usha Sharan,
lecturer at b.n.mandal university , Madhipura, INDIA at literary group
are my poems. Please read and comment:
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.com
He cannot
meet her, but he can see her on photos, And send messages and chat by diamond
hands, Keyboard and webcam are two origins of contact. Each time she comes on
telephone call And just chats and leaves the site with...
19 days ago
usha sharan • Very contemporary!
"I perceive a deep complexity at the heart
of the simplicity of the object(s) of love in these poems. And that is so
touching,so unpretentiously meditative."
Commented by
Mr. Bukky Olaoye
Lecturer at
Baze University Abuja, NIGERIA on 15.01.2012 at POETS UNITED in
is my second blog containing love poems
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.com
He cannot
meet her, but he can see her on photos, And send messages and chat by diamond
hands, Keyboard and webcam are two origins of contact. Each time she comes on
telephone call And just chats and leaves the site with...
1 month ago
Tarringo Vaughan likes this
bukky olaoye • I perceive a deep complexity at the heart of the simplicity of the
object(s) of love in these poems. And that is so touching,so unpretentiously
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thank, dear friend Bukky Olaoye for your valuable comments on my
poems, and I have posted it in my blog.
6. Comments at
Writer's Cafe'
is my love poems in a blog. Please read my blog poems and comment
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.com
He cannot
meet her, but he can see her on photos, And send messages and chat by diamond
hands, Keyboard and webcam are two origins of contact. Each time she comes on
telephone call And just chats and leaves the site with...
19 days ago
clark cook • Asim, I
love your commitment, but by now you /must/ be tired of my saying the same thing
again and again. Poetry is a /fusion/ of structure and emotion , of shape and
substance. It is not "just" a spontaneous outpouring of impressions.
The American poet, Robert Creeley, put it beautifully: FORM IS NOTHING MORE
THAN AN EXPRESSION OF CONTENT. Please understand, I am not trying to stifle
your feelings or put a strait jacket on how you express yourself--I'm just
throwing something out for you to think about. Keep on writing!!
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Dear friend, Clark Cook, here is one example of form of my
poem,THE TALK. Please read it and comment
Poetry and Fiction Writers Subgroup -- Writers Cafe'
blog poems.
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.com
He cannot
meet her, but he can see her on photos, And send messages and chat by diamond
hands, Keyboard and webcam are two origins of contact. Each time she comes on
telephone call And just chats and leaves the site with...
26 days ago
You, Tresaun Lee, Henryk Rogowski like this
Reed Mellott • Nice colledction in love
KUMAR PAUL • Thanks to my friend, Clarence
Mellott, for your valuable comments
26 days ago
Babyk • In your first poem,
"Sharing of Love," I found myself stuck on the phrase "basal of
infected matrix" so I had to stop and look it up, but am still confused. I
really wanted to move on, but feel a little stuck. Your help is appreciated.
KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend, Susan
Babyk, I admire your comments and I have changed it.
25 days ago
Winston Gimena • nice poems!
KUMAR PAUL • Thanks to my dear friend, John
Winston Gimena for your valuable comments on my poems.
25 days ago
Winston Gimena • if i may give some insights
a simple critique:
He lives in another world, ---- away from her
He cannot meet her, but he can see her on photos, ---- lonelines, pictures of her
And send messages and chat by diamond hands, ----
Keyboard and webcam are two origins of contact. ---- VIA INTERNET
Each time she comes on telephone call ---- maybe longing to hear
And just chats and leaves the site with eagerness, his voice
With feet on the ground, on assurances and words, ---- maybe fine, heart beats
He may also appear on her phone call for talks. fast -- VIDEO PHONE?
i'll try to "look" the other stanzas... its worth reading, after the first stanza, the mood changes after the characters introduction about their longingness via worldwidweb (chat, keyboard, webcam,etc...
i like the "... DIAMOND HANDS" as if they are "OLD" or "RIPE" lol!
just my 2 cents...
a simple critique:
He lives in another world, ---- away from her
He cannot meet her, but he can see her on photos, ---- lonelines, pictures of her
And send messages and chat by diamond hands, ----
Keyboard and webcam are two origins of contact. ---- VIA INTERNET
Each time she comes on telephone call ---- maybe longing to hear
And just chats and leaves the site with eagerness, his voice
With feet on the ground, on assurances and words, ---- maybe fine, heart beats
He may also appear on her phone call for talks. fast -- VIDEO PHONE?
i'll try to "look" the other stanzas... its worth reading, after the first stanza, the mood changes after the characters introduction about their longingness via worldwidweb (chat, keyboard, webcam,etc...
i like the "... DIAMOND HANDS" as if they are "OLD" or "RIPE" lol!
just my 2 cents...
Rogowski • nice poems!
KUMAR PAUL • Thanks to my friend Henryk
Rogowski for your valuable comments on my poems.
25 days ago
GOD, LIFE AND LOVE asimkumarpaul.wordpress.com
Like pattern
of organically inflow of blood groups To form a new life, leaving behind
parental acceptor and donor sublime, We are moving in the bottom of the love To
sink into sea-life, a ...
1 month ago
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks my dear friend, RAGHUNATH MISRA, for reading my poem.
1 month ago
• Delete
RAGHUNATH MISRA • I feel it my pleasure to have a chance of viewing you and your
poem-ideas-views on various issues.Thanks.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thanks dear friend RAGHUNATH MISRA, for your view on this poem,
i.e. my poem-ideas-views. A good question. Only that I can say, a feeling came
in, instinctively, to write down my feeling when I saw my grandson first in
nursing home.
1 month ago
mentioned,poetry come from inside alwayas.My good wishes are always with your
right soirit/approach.
Literature and Culture
Supporters and Promoters
Living with Poetry asimkumarpaul.blogspot.com
I love to
live in solitude, as my birth is splendor to my mother, and fighting back is my
liking of stronghold moonlight, yet I want to live in solitude, a sequence of
intact form, that I love, and I want love in the morning...
1 month ago
RAGHUNATH MISRA, Bettarini Mariella like this
RAGHUNATH MISRA • LIVING WITH POETRY is a charming and aspiring tool.I admire your
spirit MR.ASIM KUMAR. I also use to live with literature'all areas,particularly
poetry.Felt happy to find you as me.
Carry on.
Carry on.
RAGHUNATH MISRA • I feel,I can't live without poetry.I have been awarded so many
time for extraordinery contributions to hindi literature.Recently I got HINDI
love with poetry.So poetry is a good friend of mine and with poetry,I never
feel lonely.
ASIM KUMAR PAUL • Thank you dear friend, RAGHUNATH MISRA. I always move with
emotions, and poetry is my inspiration, expressed mainly prose form in my
instinctive feeling of a situation. I love it.
1 month ago
Mr. Asim Kumar Paul Ji
I am
delighted reading your poems expressing your hearty feelings of love
narrating the excellent natural beauty of the hostel and its surroundings at
Guntur where we spent two nights and two days forging unbreakable ties of friendship
and love. I am unable to forget the event which brought us together.
poems are excellent and I wish you a bright future.
you Happy New Year 2012..
Rama Rao (Via
E-mail on 19.12.2011)
Dear Asim,
It is indeed a
pleasure to read your message and your poems. You are not only a man of great
heart but also a poet true to the core of your heart. I really enjoyed your
company at JKC college and hope to do so in future.You really write nice poems.
yours is a treasure. thank you for sending your poems.Tomorrow I am leaving for
Allahabad to attend a national seminar on Rabindranathand and on 16 I wll go to
Dhaka university to deliver my seminar lecture on poetry. Hope to see you again
with your poems.
Biplab Chakraborty,Professor
Department of
Center for
Advanced Studies
University of
Burdwan, INDIA==