Saturday, 20 May 2017



Cool morning,
Summer sun,
Brown flower greets banana green,
Birth has roots down on the earth,
In the nature, none can obscure the sun,
Birth as a gift that travels like light,
With records of name, address, story,
No need to stop at doorsteps of ashes,
Because, scorching sunrays burn only
Pirate amoeba, infected, to immaculate a body,
Incidents flow like noun, across a sentence, 
With subject and predicate, spine in a body, 
So many bodies cannot travel on wings of light
And fall on the ground and are dispersed into two - 
Exorcism and hymns of spirits - different forms of
The first born, it brings bodies arranged in 
Hell and heaven, drifting away from origin,
Veiled attempt to hell, inward knowing
To heaven, and it makes morning sun scale gaze,
Language gets momentum, and it is noon when
All tests are done to burn stained attempts.
We owe longing,  and thereby whole essay so formed
Feeds contention, conclusion, far away
From ashes, as our eyes condemn burning
Of dreams, even if land becomes infertile,

That the nature suspects it cannot be. 


  1. nature and summer shade are appreciated.

    lovely poem.

  2. Fiabbue Yunwood21 May 2017 at 07:38

    vivid imagery ob students mindsets and smart metaphors too.

  3. vivid imagery.
